Personal Expsoure Monitor
Biotechnix technologies provide efficient interfaces to a variety of analyzers. Whether the chosen analysis method is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), proteomics or immunoassay, our microchannel fluid concentrator enables portability and affordability not found in other devices.
The Biotechnix µADL (micro-aerodynamic lens) aerosol concentrator has been demonstrated to be effective as part of an endotoxin exposure monitor which combined our novel aerosol concentrator, a micro-particle collector, and a microfluidic sample processing and detection platform. For new applications, our µADL aerosol concentrator can be used by companies who are developing and/or augmenting bio-detection equipment and methods—mass spectrometry, proteomics, etc.—enabling them to build more efficient and complete systems.
Personal Expsoure Monitor
Micro Capillary Collection (.75 um Particles)
Process for Generating Droplets for Bioanalysis
The Biotechnix µADL (micro-aerodynamic lens) aerosol concentrator was initially designed to concentrate particles in the 1-10 micron range and deliver them in a narrow beam, one millimeter or smaller in diameter to optical particle analyzers. Coupling our µADL concentrator to a novel particle classifier that separates the concentrated aerosol stream into separate flow channels based on particle size provides the capability of size-classifying the particles.
The Biotechnix aerodynamic particle classifier sorts larger particles based on their aerodynamic diameter. Once the larger particles are removed from the flow by our µADL concentrator, the ultrafine and fine particles, smaller than 1 micron, are captured by a custom-designed electrostatic precipitator. The combination of an aerosol concentrator, aerodynamic and electrostatic size classifiers, and efficient capture of the particles leads to an effective particle sizing device for particles with sizes from ultrafine (10 nanometers) to 20 microns.
Particle Size Classifier
Biotechnix technology makes possible advanced environmental monitoring techniques. We have developed a low-cost, real-time exposure monitor capable of assessing particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in residential buildings with a resolution and sensitivity greater than that achievable with current building monitors, at a much lower cost.
Our technology was also applied to trace explosives detection in a portable, compact, low-power, and low-cost unit. This approach combined several steps: dislodging particles and vapors from surfaces; aspiration of the dislodged particles and vapors into an ADL (aerodynamic lens) aerosol concentrator or onto a disposable coupon; and delivering the captured aerosol particles and adsorbed vapor molecules in a low flow sample to a downstream optical detector or on a coupon compatible with existing ion mobility spectrometers.
Chemical Vapor Analysis
Particle and VOC Monitor Prototype
Monitoring of Particles and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
The Biotechnix microchannel fluid concentrator allows for portability and affordability not found in other devices. Our technology can be customized to perform a broad range of analysis, and makes possible light-weight, compact, and portable exposure monitors with very low power requirements.
We encourage you to review our patent portfolio to learn more about our intellectual property.
If you would like to discuss acquisition of Biotechnix patents or how our technology can enhance your products, contact us today.